Category: English and Language Arts

  • National Poetry Month Resources

    If you are looking for a collection of all the NPM resources from the past month to use next school year and some additional ones.

  • NPM: Teaching Poetry with John Clare

    John Clare’s “I Am” explores self-awareness, identity, and nature’s connection, offering insightful lessons and online resources for student exploration.

  • Echoes of Kent State or Occupy Wall Street

    The post reflects on campus protests regarding the Israeli occupation of Gaza, drawing parallels with historical events. It highlights the ongoing struggle for societal advocacy and personal freedoms.

  • National Poetry Month Posters

    Did you know that you can create your own National Poetry Month poster using poster. Here are three different ideas for your classrooms to separate:

  • NPM: Teaching Poetry with Alfred Lord Tennyson

    Alfred Lord Tennyson’s “Ulysses” offers timeless lessons in heroism, courage, and the pursuit of adventure. Explore the poem through close reading, thematic discussions, and creative responses.

  • NPM: Teaching Poetry with Sylvia Plath

    Sylvia Plath’s poetry delves into identity, mental health, and feminism. Lessons for students include contextual understanding, close reading, exploring themes, feminist perspective, and personal response. Online resources available.